Anna Schill

    is an artist born in Novosibirsk, Siberia, and now lives in Worpswede. Her family's German roots were also an inspiration for this. She studied free painting and art education at the Art Academy in Novosibirsk, was already active as a painter in Russia, and was the director of an art school for children and adults. Over the years she gained a lot of experience with various painting techniques. Today, her focus is on classic oil and watercolor painting. In addition to many works in the field of landscape painting and still life, her focus is now on "realistic symbolism." She describes her own characteristic style as a reaction against abstract expressionism, which has dominated since the middle of the 20th century. Instead, she devoted herself to the symbolic, narrative and figurative style. She is currently working on a larger series of pictures that are based on a portrait format with various symbolic elements. She is also happy to accept commissioned work. Her studio is in Worpswede.

    Exhibitions and projects

    • "Exit to the Platform" - Novosibirsk 2007
    • "Student Spring" collective exhibition - Novosibirsk 2008
    • "Photo Expo" with Alexander Beduykov - Novosibirsk 2008
    • "Plein Air Exhibition" with Yulia Pugachsheva - Novosibirsk 2009
    • "Student Fall" collective exhibition - Novosibirsk 2009
    • "Plein Air Exhibition" - Novosibirsk 2009
    • "Youth exhibition in the artists' association" collective exhibition Novosibirsk 2010
    • "ArtJam 2017" - Novosibirsk 05-06/2018
    • "Open Studios" - Worpswede 2020
    • Artistic design of the performance in the shadow theater “The Princess and the Pea” - Novosibirsk 2020-2021
    • "Open Studios" solo exhibition Worpswede 06/2022
    • “Spring Awakening” exhibition with our own students - Worpswede 2023
    • "Sibiriada" Worpswede 2023 - Group exhibition with artists from Siberia in the gallery and EUROKUNSTWERKSTATT eV

    Awards, representations and memberships:

    • Artempire Award, Honorable Mention
    • Russian Artists Union
    • eV
    • KannArt Gallery

    Contact and portfolio:

    Articles and publications

    • Archaeology, ethnology, paleoecology of Northern Eurasia and neighboring regions: materials of the XLVI Regional (II All-Russian) archaeological-ethnographic conference of students and young scientists dedicated to the 160th anniversary of the birth of IT Savenkov and the 110th anniversary of the birth of VI Gromov. Krasnoyarsk, March 28-30, 2006 / Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University named after VP Astafieva. – Vol. II. – Krasnoyarsk, 2006. – 224 SS 207-209

    • Ecology of ancient and traditional societies. Conference proceedings. Issue 3. Tyumen: Vector Book, 2007. 320 pp. 282 – 285

    • Cultures and peoples of North Asia and neighboring regions in the context of interdisciplinary research: Collection of the Museum of Archaeology and Ethnography of Siberia in the VM Florinsky – Tomsk: Tomsk State University, 2008. – Issue 2. – 376 SS 311 – 315

    • Man and the North: Anthropology, Archaeology, Ecology: Materials of the All-Russian Conference, Tyumen, 24-26 March 2009. Tyumen: Publishing House IPOs SO RAN, 2009. Issue 1. 382 pp. 168 – 174

    • Culture as a system in historical context: Experience of the West Siberian archaeological-ethnographic conferences. – Materials of the XV International West Siberian Archaeological-Ethnographic Conference. – Tomsk: Agra-Press, 2010. - 506 SS 216 – 218

    • VI Molodin. EIN V. Novikov, AV Ke K148 nig, VN Dobzhansky, AV Vybornow, GP Vedmid, VS Myglan, EA Zaitseva, A. Yu. Mainicheva, AA Shill. Novosibirsk: Publishing House IAET SB RAS, 2018. – 264 p. + 2 incl.

    11 products