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  1. Read more: Stars and celebrities - by Peter & Björn Bischoff
    Stars und Prominente - von Peter & Björn Bischoff

    Stars and celebrities - by Peter & Björn Bischoff

    by Markus Lippeck

    Photo exhibition from September 1st, 2024 to January 5th, 2025 - in preparation! The photo exhibition "Stars and Celebrities - by Peter & Bj...
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  2. Read more: Open Studios Worpswede 2024
    Offene Ateliers Worpswede 2024

    Open Studios Worpswede 2024

    by Markus Lippeck

    A weekend dedicated to art from 12 to 14 July This year we are again taking part in the Worpswede open studios . This year, the Belgian surrealis...
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  3. Read more: "SUMMER DREAMS" exhibition opening Olivier Lamboray - Vernissage on 16 June with music in the large foyer
    "SOMMERTRÄUME" Ausstellungseröffnung Olivier Lamboray  - Vernissage am 16.Juni mit Musik im großen Foyer

    "SUMMER DREAMS" exhibition opening Olivier Lamboray - Vernissage on 16 June with music in the large foyer

    by Markus Lippeck

    "PAINTING IS MY JOURNEY AND IT DEFINES WHO I AM" The internationally award-winning Olivier Lamboray (1968) is a Belgian surrealist painter curre...
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  4. Read more: Musical spring awakening with the HafenRevueTheater in the Galerie Schluh
    Musikalisches Frühlingserwachen mit dem HafenRevueTheater in der Galerie Schluh

    Musical spring awakening with the HafenRevueTheater in the Galerie Schluh

    by Markus Lippeck

    The most beautiful melodies from well-known musicals, mixed with catchy melodies from the 1920s, can be heard on May 11th at 7 p.m. in the Schluh G...
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  5. Read more: Upcoming exhibition - Olivier Lamboray - from June 16, 2024 "Summer Dreams"
    Kommende Ausstellung - Olivier Lamboray - ab 16.Juni 2024 "Sommerträume"

    Upcoming exhibition - Olivier Lamboray - from June 16, 2024 "Summer Dreams"

    by Markus Lippeck

    We are very happy to be able to bring an exciting exhibition to Worpswede with Olivier! Triggered by the relocation of his life to Germany, we wan...
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  6. Read more: Cultural Bridge Bavaria-Thuringia-Worpswede. A citizens' initiative in April 2024
    Kulturbrücke Bayern-Thüringen-Worpswede. Eine Bürgerinitiative im April 2024

    Cultural Bridge Bavaria-Thuringia-Worpswede. A citizens' initiative in April 2024

    by Markus Lippeck

    PIANO PAINTING "Spirit heals matter" April 6th - 7th, 2024 by Markus Lippeck, see: Piano painting We're painting a piano! The citizens' initi...
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  7. Read more: Fritz Geerken exhibition until June 7th - press review
    Fritz Geerken Ausstellung noch bis zum 07. Juni - Pressespiegel

    Fritz Geerken exhibition until June 7th - press review

    by Markus Lippeck

    There was great interest from the press! Newspapers, radio and even television were there! Contribution to buten un binnen in the broadcast from ...
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  8. Read more: PIANO PAINTING - "Spirit Heals Matter" - April 6th and 7th, 2024
    KLAVIERBEMALUNG - "Geist heilt Materie" - 6. und 7. April 2024

    PIANO PAINTING - "Spirit Heals Matter" - April 6th and 7th, 2024

    by Markus Lippeck

    We're painting a piano! The citizens' initiative "Culture Bridge Bavaria-Thuringia-Worpswede" cordially invites you Welcome in our large foy...
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  9. Read more: Nikita Kosmin - In the local history museum at Schönebeck Castle 09.03 - 21.04.2024
    Nikita Kosmin - Im Heimatmuseum Schloss Schönebeck 09.03 - 21.04.2024

    Nikita Kosmin - In the local history museum at Schönebeck Castle 09.03 - 21.04.2024

    by Markus Lippeck

    THE VERNISSAGE & EXHIBITION STARTS AS PLANNED Green light for the vernissage and exhibition in the local history museum at Schönebeck ...
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  10. Read more: Fritz Geerken exhibition from March 17th to June 7th, 2024
    Fritz Geerken Ausstellung vom 17. März bis 07. Juni 2024

    Fritz Geerken exhibition from March 17th to June 7th, 2024

    by Markus Lippeck

    No exhibition for many years! The estate can now be rediscovered! Fritz Geerken is said to have produced over 4,000 works over the course of his...
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  11. Read more: Endangered works by the Worpswede painter Geerken: Help from the gallery owner
    Gefährdete Werke des Worpsweder Malers Geerken: Hilfe vom Galeristen

    Endangered works by the Worpswede painter Geerken: Help from the gallery owner

    by Markus Lippeck

    The estate of the Worpswede landscape painter Fritz Geerken was partially damaged by the flood. Now the gallery owner Markus Lippeck is offering h...
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  12. Read more: Galerie Schluh becomes eV
    Aus Galerie Schluh wird e.V.

    Galerie Schluh becomes eV

    by Markus Lippeck

    After a long winter break, we will start exhibitions again at the end of February 2024. However, the gallery will continue with a slightly differe...
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