Musical spring awakening with the HafenRevueTheater in the Galerie Schluh
by Markus Lippeck
The most beautiful melodies from well-known musicals, mixed with catchy melodies from the 1920s, can be heard on May 11th at 7 p.m. in the Schluh Gallery.
The HafenrevueTheater from Bremen is giving a guest performance this evening - only 40 tickets are available.
At the same time, there is the opportunity to view Fritz Geerken’s exhibition that evening.
Fritz Geerken- Painter
... studied teaching and art in Hamburg from 1933 to 1936. In 1936 he began teaching at the Lehesterdeich school and then worked in Frankenburg. After military service and imprisonment, he became a teacher in Borgfeld in 1947 and taught there until his retirement in 1972. He began painting as a young man. Painting was his second focus alongside teaching. His main subjects were landscapes in northwest Germany, but he also brought many pictures back from numerous study trips to northern and southern Europe. In addition to working with pastels, watercolors and oil paints, he was particularly interested in etchings. He liked to experiment. Numerous exhibitions helped to ensure that he was known and recognized outside of Bremen.
Claudia Geerken, the granddaughter of Fritz Geerken, runs the HafenRevueTheer together with Ulrich Möllmann and will be on stage with him at the Galerie Schluh on May 11th, 2024 from 7-9 p.m.
Ticket: 15,00 € in advance
Ticket sales (tickets must be purchased in advance):

Schluh.art eV(iG)
In Schluh 71
27726 Worpswede
04792 9899544 or 0162 6412632
Cuxhavener Strasse 7
28217 Bremen